twitter abbreviations


@Reply to [username] Example @Abbreviations [message]    
AFAfter Fate    
detweetDelete a tweet    
DMDirect Message    
dweetA tweet sent while drunk    
FTCFirst To Comment    
HBLThe most beautiful person in the world. Couldn't even compare to a swim-suit model. Will have great success as they have wonderful personality traits.    
HTHeard Through    
MFBTYMy Fans Better Than Yours    
MISTWEETA tweet you regret you've sent    
MRTModified ReTweet    
neweeterA new tweeter    
OOMFOne Of My Followers    
OOYFOne Of Your Followers    
PaRTPartial Retweet    
politweetA political tweet    
PRTPlease Retweet    
RLRTReal life retweet    
RTHXRe-tweet Thanks (Thanks for the re-tweet)    
speetsSpam tweets    
sweepleSweet twitter people    
TMBTweet Me Back    
TQRTThanks for the retweet